Old Glory
When I find old buttons, they look something like this. If you look hard enough, you can see traces of beauty. But it isn't until you spend some time with each one that you bring out the fine details and luster. I have tried chemical dips and electric buffing tools, but there is no substitute for careful cleaning and hand polishing. It is much like polishing very tarnished fine silver.

Sometimes I become so enamored of a button that I refuse to part with it, which is bad for my jewelry, not to mention my business. If I were to keep all the good ones for myself, it would mean that my jewelry would always be second best. So I use the good buttons, bravely sewing them on my bracelets and watching them march off forever when the bracelet is sold.
Beauty needs to be shared to be appreciated. And it cannot be appreciated unless it is seen. If something cannot be seen, then cannot be beautiful. It would be like an old button stuck on a crummy piece of cardbaord, covered with tarnish.

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